SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KRON) – On Monday, Governor Newsom said fire management will be a big priority in his budget.

With two new serious fires scorching parts of Northern California, state leaders continue to call in reinforcements amid an already record fire season. 

“A lot of consternation in and around that region that has been hit over and over and over again,” Newsom said.  

As of Monday, more than 18,000 firefighters worked to control 27 major fires across the state.

Newsom said the federal government approved two more fire management assistance grants bringing the total so far this year to 15. 

The governor said state emergency management leaders requested help from six other states while 117 aircrafts are working to fight flames from the air. 

More than 3.7 million acres have burned in California so far this year.

The governor said his proposed budget for next year includes a record amount of money for fire prevention and fighting efforts.

“We’re not standing still, we’re not just victims of fate, we want to shape this future, we want to work on suppression, work on prevention and then work on adaptation and strategies that are longer term as it relates to decarbonizing our economy,” Newsom said.  

Newsom’s administration points to climate change as the fundamental cause of these fires. He says more announcements on tackling that issue are coming soon.

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