SANTA ROSA, Calif. (KRON) — In October 2017, Santa Rosa was devastated by what was at the time, the most destructive wildfire in California.

The Tubbs Fire burned through 36,807 acres and killed 22 people after sparking in Sonoma County on the night of October 8. CalFire says it was caused by a private electrical system adjacent to a residence.

Three years later, Santa Rosa has been evacuated again for the Glass Fire, which started Sunday in Napa County and burned through 11,000 acres within a day.


Here’s a map of the area where the Tubbs Fire ravaged through in 2017 vs. the current Glass Fire area:

Tubbs Fire map courtesy Cal Fire/Glass Fire map courtesy FireMappers

Here is a map courtesy the Sonoma Sheriff of the fires that have burned in the area over the past few years:

Live, interactive map of current wildfires:

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