WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) ─ The violent siege of the U.S. Capitol by President Donald Trump’s supporters didn’t stop House and Senate lawmakers from reconvening late Wednesday night to certify President-elect Joe Biden’s victory.

Once the Capitol was deemed secure, Vice President Mike Pence and Congress reemerged, not only to certify the vote, but to discuss what had just transpired.

Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Maryland, said the work lawmakers complete to confirm Biden’s win took place on one of America’s darkest days.

“We just couldn’t believe the U.S. Capitol had been invaded,” he said.

Cardin said Trump must be held accountable for inspiring the insurrection.

“Republican leadership should go to the White House and tell President Trump it’s time for him to resign,” Cardin said.

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer called for Trump’s immediate removal either by invoking the 25th Amendment or through impeachment.

Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Connecticut threw his support behind both options.

“This president is unhinged,” Murphy said. “He is unstable, he is angry and we can’t assume he’s isn’t going to try to find new ways to rally his supporters against the government.”

One of Trump’s closest allies, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, opposes those calls.

“I do not believe that is appropriate,” Graham said.

While he doesn’t want Trump to be removed from office, he’s calling on him to conduct a peaceful transfer of power.

“The president needs to understand his actions were the problem, not the solution,” Graham said.

Trump now has 13 days left in office.