Does the renewable fuel standard actually combat carbon emissions?

WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) — Midwestern lawmakers say the federal government should continue to force oil companies to blend corn-based biofuel into their product, but environmentalists say that may actually be counterproductive.

The debate comes as the Biden administration prepares to make changes to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s renewable fuel standard, which was created more than a decade a goal with the goal of reducing carbon emissions. Right now, it says oil companies must blend a certain amount of corn-based ethanol into their gasoline.

“The current system is not working,” David DeGennaro, a climate specialist with the National Wildlife Federation, said. “Because of the land use change associated with growing more crops for ethanol … corn ethanol is actually probably 24% more carbon intensive than gasoline.”

He said the Biden administration should pivot to fuels with a smaller carbon footprint.

“We need to get back to the science,” he said.

Midwest lawmakers, whose constituents include farmers that grow corn for ethanol, say the blending standard should stay.

“Biofuel is the key pathway to decarbonizing the transportation sector,” Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, said. “The RFS is the policy engine that makes this possible.”

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., argued the standard is too costly for oil refineries and expensive for drivers.

“I’m concerned that this volume obligation is going to raise costs at a time where gasoline is high in and of itself,” she said.

“Nobody’s really happy with the way things are right now, so that’s a great opportunity,” DeGennaro said.

He said he hopes the Biden administration will continue to promote electric vehicles as part of its pledge to slash carbon emissions in half by 2030.