LOS ANGELES, Calif. (WTAJ) – As the Super Bowl quickly approaches, Expedia is looking to give people unforgettable experiences in the form of 20 free trips during the big game next week.

Touting what matters most is experiences, Expedia plans to give away 19 trips valued at $5,000 and one grand prize trip valued at $25,000. Twenty lucky people will get to break away from 2022 and enjoy some getaway time.

Before the big game starts on Feb. 13, you can get yourself ready for the contest by following Expedia on Twitter. You’ll also need to be a rewards member. You can register online. Prizes will be awarded via reward points, according to travelandleisure.com.

During the game, you’ll use the hashtag #TravelTheAds and quote a retweet from Expedia’s official Twitter account that relates to the commercial spot.

The details of the prizes, and even their commercial, is under wraps right now, but this will be Expedia’s first in-game ad in nearly a decade. The company has even recently signed actor Ewan McGregor (star of the Disney Plus series “Obi-Wan Kenobi”) to be their celebrity spokesperson.

The contest will begin on Feb. 13 at 6:30 p.m. and end at 11:59 p.m., coinciding with the NFL’s biggest game of the year.