SAN JOSE, Ca. (KRON) – Good news for hockey fans; the NHL appears to be one step closer to starting the season.

Multiple outlets are reporting that the league and players association have reached a tentative agreement for a 56-game season.

That agreement could be voted on this weekend, with the season potentially starting January 13th.

This off-season has been extra long for San Jose Sharks players. The Shark’s last game was in March since they didn’t make the cut for the summer playoffs.

Sharks left winger Evander Kane says the team is anxiously waiting for the NHL to announce the season start date.

“It’s going to be interesting. With us being in Santa Clara County the unknown is still there. We don’t know where we’re starting or what city we’re playing in so that’s going to be unique but it will be exciting to get back on the ice,” said Kane.

Kane says he’s been using the long break to spend time with his wife and 6-month old daughter. He also managed to watch the Jake Paul vs. Nate Robinson boxing match a few weeks ago.

“I’m thinking, geez Louise this guy is out here celebrating like he’s the heavyweight champion of the world and he’s out here fighting a guy who’s 5’9 and probably never thrown a punch before. I wonder what he could do with someone who’s been punched before and a little closer to his size,” said Kane.

Kane has since challenged both the Paul brothers on Twitter to fight him, after the season of course.

“I’ve had a lot of dialogue, my team has had a lot of dialogue. There’s a good chance it could happen,” said Kane.

Besides that, he has a podcast dropping in January which Kane says gives him the chance to tell his side of the story.

“I think it’s a great opportunity to be candid and be open and just to give the fans and the haters insight into how I operate and some things they may not know.”

Plenty to look forward to in 2021, including, hopefully, the Sharks back in action soon.

No word yet on wear the Sharks might hold training camp if  Santa Clara County does not lift restrictions which currently disallow contact sports.

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