Junior Golf thrives at San Francisco’s Presidio Golf Course

Devin Deluca, the head golf professional at the Presidio Golf Course in San Francisco, says Junior Golf has been thriving since he got into the industry about 12 years ago.

“We have seven high school teams, a junior league that goes around the Bay Area, but definitely, on the up,” Deluca said.

The programs they offer help develop young golfers.

“Starting from the age of six or seven, we do after-school programs, kind of just making the golf course a fun place to be,” Deluca explains. “There’s also tournaments that they can play in locally, as I mentioned the PGA Junior League, which is also available throughout the Bay Area. I think that’s a good start for them.”

So how do parents get their kids involved and excited about golf?

“I think summer camps,” Deluca says. “Especially our summer camp, we offer starting in June all the way through August. That’s a really great place to start. And then, again, a lot of after-school programs here in the golf course are good places as well.”

One success story that stands out to Deluca is of Daniel Connolly, a local golfer who won the City Golf Championship recently.

“He went to Stuart Hall and I’ve seen him since he was a young buck, and now, he’s in college. And, to see him win the city championship, local guy, really cool,” Deluca said.

Deluca says the PGA Junior League has grown not only in the Bay Area, but nationwide.

“I think that Junior League gets youngsters into competitive golf whether they’re six to 13, I believe is the age they do that in. That’s a really good competitive start for them and it’s growing throughout the country,” Deluca explains.