Weekdays at 11:30 a.m. EST, Newsfeed Now will be streaming the top stories in the U.S. utilizing our newsrooms across the country. If you miss the live report, you’ll be able to see a replay minutes after the stream ends.

(KARK/NEXSTAR) — The Supreme Court ruled on Thursday the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, better known as DACA, was illegally rescinded by the Trump Administration.

For the full story: CLICK HERE.

Other stories in today’s show:

MURDER CHARGES FILED:  As Rayshard Brooks lay dying in a Wendy’s parking lot, prosecutors say the Atlanta police officer who shot him in the back kicked him and didn’t give him medical attention for more than two minutes.

For the full story: CLICK HERE.

ONE-ON-ONE INTERVIEW: President Trump says he’ll support the GOP police reform bill introduced Wednesday morning by Republican Senator Tim Scott. And he says he’s not afraid of a second wave of COVID-19. Washington reporter Anna Wiernicki has the one-on-one interview.

For the full story: CLICK HERE.

A SISTER SURPRISE: Like so many others during the coronavirus pandemic, Alyssa Hudler felt like her life was on pause. She felt compelled to do something memorable, something epic. WDAF’s Pat McGonigle reports.

For the full story: CLICK HERE.

ZIP LINE CHICKEN: When you zip in for fried chicken, now your fried chicken zips out to you. WGNO’s Bill Wood reports.

For the full story: CLICK HERE.

Weekdays at 11:30 a.m. EST, Newsfeed Now will be streaming the top stories in the U.S. utilizing our newsrooms across the country. If you miss the live report, you’ll be able to see a replay minutes after the stream ends.