Young boy bitten by shark off South Carolina

Isle of Palms, South Carolina (KRON/WCBD) A young boy visiting the Lowcountry from Utah was bitten by a shark off Isle of Palms Tuesday.

Kysen Weakley, 12, tells News 2 around 6 p.m., he was playing with a younger cousin in knee-deep water at IOP Park when he felt something bite his leg. According to Kysen’s mother, the shark wrapped its mouth around his leg and let go immediately. Kysen then took his cousin and rushed out of the water.VIDEO: BOY TALKS ABOUT SHARK ATTACK

According to Kysen’s mother, the shark wrapped its mouth around his leg and let go immediately.

Kysen was taken to Nason Medical Center where he was treated and released. It is not known at this time what type of shark bit Kysen, or how big it was.

In May, a man was bitten by a shark off Sullivan’s Island, but was not seriously injured. And there have been at least six other shark attacks off the North Carolina coast in the past month.