Year-round California daylight saving time plan approved

California voters tired of resetting their clocks twice a year passed a ballot measure calling for year-round daylight saving time.

About 62 percent of voters favored Proposition 7 in early returns, with more than 3 million ballots counted. But the race has now been called.

The issue was fresh in voters’ minds when they headed to the polls. California and most of the nation fell back an hour to standard time on Sunday, gaining an hour of daylight in the morning but losing one in the evening.

A yes vote on Proposition 7 is the first step toward year-round daylight saving time in California, however. It would still need a two-thirds vote from the state Legislature and a change in federal law to take effect.

Democratic Rep. Kansen Chu of San Jose said he sponsored the initiative after his dentist called him to complain about springing forward when clocks move ahead every March.

The change deprives people of an hour’s sleep as it shifts an hour of sunlight from morning to evening.

Chu said he has learned that the reason for implementing daylight saving was to preserve energy during World War I. It no longer seems to apply to the modern world, he said.

Chu said he also came across studies that show an increased risk of car accidents and heart attacks following the spring change, when people lose an hour of sleep by setting their clocks forward.

“It’s a public safety measure,” Chu said. “And I don’t know anybody who really enjoys doing this adjustment of their schedule twice a year.”

Opponents of the measure argued that even if California voters and the Legislature approve year-round daylight saving, the hurdle of getting the federal government to agree is too high given the state’s tense relationship with Washington.

And making the switch to permanent daylight saving will cause its own headaches, said Democratic state Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson, who represents Ventura County.

If California goes to year-round daylight saving, the sun won’t rise until 8 a.m. on some winter months, forcing children to walk to school or bus stops in darkness and likely leading to an increase in car and pedestrian accidents, Jackson said.

Chu said he was open to implementing year-round standard time since the key is eliminating the need to change the clocks.

Hawaii and Arizona (with the exception of Navajo Nation) do not recognize daylight saving time. In March, Florida became the first state in the nation to approve year-round daylight saving time, but the shift can’t take effect unless Congress changes federal law.


Associated Press Writer John Rogers contributed to this story.


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