BTS denied exemption from military service

LOS ANGELES (CNN) – The boys of BTS may be dropping their “Blood Sweat & Tears” in the DMZ soon.

The South Korean government says members of the highly popular K-pop group will not be exempt from serving in the military.

Service is compulsory there, and all men must register by the time they are 28-years-old.

All 7 band members are in their 20’s.

The oldest turns 27 in December.

Fans hoped the singers would qualify for an exemption that excuses some artists, musicians and athletes from service.

The government says it’s reducing those exemptions to account for the country’s falling birth rate.

One bit of good news for BTS is compulsory service is being reduced from two years to 18 months.

They won’t be the first musicians to take a break from music for military service.

Elvis Presley spent two years in the Army after being drafted in 1958.

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