Woman wakes up to find wild coyote in her bedroom

BIXBY, OK (WCMH/CNN) – A woman in Oklahoma says she was shocked to find a four-legged intruder in her home.

Bonnie Moriarty says she was in a deep sleep, when all of a sudden she was startled awake by a loud noise, KOKI reported.

“Around 4 or 4:15, all of a sudden we hear what sounded like a cat-fight almost,” said Moriarty.

At first, she thought it was just her cat and dog getting into a scuffle.

“I woke up and the cat and the coyote came running into my room. It was still dark,” said Moriarty. “My husband was out of town and my poor kids are upstairs and I was screaming.”

She says she grabbed a golf club for protection.

At one point, she says her miniature schnauzer came running in, barking up a storm. The coyote just crouched down in the corner, remaining timid.

“That’s when I realized, holy crud, I have a coyote that is stuck in my bedroom,” said Moriarty.

She said police were able to get the animal out of her house.

Moriarty suspects the coyote got in through her back door after it saw her cat.