A Wisconsin woman planned to call Denver her new home.
But after moving there with her boyfriend, she’s nowhere to be found, and he’s in jail for something unrelated.
Now, family and friends are begging for her safe return in the wake of disturbing text messages.
Both her sister and friend are convinced she is in danger, or worse.
Erin Vandewiele was sending chilling text messages to her friends about a week before she went missing.
“From instantly meeting him, I kind of had a bad vibe,” friend Stacey Morris said.
When Morris met Joe Mayer, he offered her drugs. That was her first impression.
Erin traveled from Wisconsin to Denver with him, telling people they were moving out there to get jobs and get away.
“We’re very worried,” sister Mandi Schmidt said.
Schmidt says they stopped talking after Erin started dating him.
CNN looked up Mayer’s criminal record and found pages worth, including charges for possessing meth, drug paraphernalia, driving with a revoked license, and jumping bail.
“On the 22nd of July, she text messaged a guy and said that she never should’ve went out there with Joe and that she would call him the next day if she was still alive,” Schmidt said. “That phone call never happened.”
Jul. 23–that’s the last time anyone heard from Erin.
Her family only has one picture of her near Union Station. Friends say she was asking for help and needed money to get a bus ticket back home.
She was staying in a motel and homeless shelters.
“It’s supposed to be her birthday on Thursday, and it’s just killing me that I’m not even going to have a chance to tell her happy birthday,” Schmidt said.
According to Wisconsin media reports, police arrested Mayer in Denver and then brought him back there on outstanding warrants.
Erin is nowhere to be found, but her family says her ID and social security card turned up on an RTD bus in Denver.
“I feel like something is terribly wrong,” Morris said.
Schmidt is raising money to travel to Denver to meet with detectives and pass out flyers.
Denver police say they are investigating the case and asking for the public’s help.