BERKELEY (BCN) — Police suspect two men robbed a 54-year-old woman at People’s Park
in Berkeley Wednesday, University of California at Berkeley police said.
The incident occurred at 2 p.m., police said.
A suspect grabbed the woman by the neck and pushed her to the
ground, according to police. Police said the other suspect took belongings
from the woman’s purse.
The woman protested and one of the suspects verbally threatened
her, police said. The woman suffered minor injuries, according to police.
She was treated Thursday at Alta Bates Summit Medical Center and
filed a police report the same day, according to police.
Police are describing one suspect as a black man about 25 years
old with a mustache, 6 feet 2 inches tall and 180 to 200 pounds. Police are
describing the other suspect as a white man with red hair, 20 to 30 years
old, 6 feet tall and 180 pounds.
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