ALLENTOWN, N.J. (AP/WOOD) – A Rockford woman has died after she fell from her horse during an equestrian competition at the Horse Park of New Jersey in Allentown.

According to event organizers, 33-year-old Philippa Humphreys fell at a fence while competing in the Jersey Fresh International Three-Day Event on Saturday. She was pronounced dead at a local hospital.

“All of us connected with the Jersey Fresh International are deeply saddened by today’s tragic news and we extend our condolences to Philippa’s husband, Peter, and to her entire family,” Dan Wunderlich, Chairman of the Jersey Fresh International Three-Day Event, said in a release on the website.

Humphreys, a British citizen, had been living in Rockford. According to the company website, Humphreys owned PH Eventing , which is located at the Rogue River Equestrian Center. Humphreys was born and raised in Chester England, before moving to the U.S. in 2005.

A college fund has been set up for Humphreys’ daughter, Millie, in honor of Humphreys, according to the YouCaring website.

According to the event’s website, Humphreys’ horse, Rich N Famous, was not hurt.

Online:Jersey Fresh International Three-Day EventPH EventingMillie’s Colllege Fund in Honor of her Mum