A frightening moment was caught on camera LIVE on Facebook in Memphis, Tennessee. But so was a good deed that may have saved a life.
Towanna Murphy posted the Facebook LIVE video while driving down a Memphis street because she saw someone who looked like she was in trouble. The video shows an elderly woman on a mobility scooter in the middle of the roadway. “Mother do you need help?” Murphy says to the woman. The woman replied that she did.
Murphy pulls her car behind the woman to shield her from traffic while trying to direct traffic on the busy street away from her “go around her” you hear Murphy shouting to other drivers, including big trucks as she acts as a block.
But as Murphy tried to help the situation only got worse, when the woman on the scooter turned towards the on-ramp to Interstate 240. The woman pulls onto the interstate and begins riding her scooter through traffic on a highway where speeds often reach well over 70 miles an hour.
“Oh no,” you can hear a child say in the background. Murphy tells the child to get back in their seatbelt and yells at the woman to stop, with no luck.
Another driver then comes to her aid, pulling beside the woman in an SUV, both cars now shielding her from the danger of the speeding traffic from the back and the side. But the woman still refuses to stop. Finally, a police officer’s blue flashing lights appear on the screen. The officer is on the shoulder of the highway, he gets out of the car, gets in front of the woman and puts a stop to her frightening scooter ride.
Murphy’s video has gone viral and she’s been getting a lot of well-deserved praise on social media for stepping up to help, “Towanna you’re my hero … what a blessing to that lady .. God put u in the right place at the right time … kudos to you,” one person wrote. But there was no praise or even thank you from the woman she helped, in fact, Murphy commented on her own post “and she was mean, and she cussed me and the police out..lol..yall I was scared, people called the police but kept going.”