SAN LEANDRO (KRON) – Sanaz Tahernia interviewed San Leandro Public Works Director Debbie Pollart about the challenges facing Long Beach, formally one of the largest strips of salt marsh in the East Bay.

Watch the full interview above.

While the problem started over a decade ago, the massive winter storms in recent years have washed away significant amounts of sand, which is disrupting the area’s unique ecosystem.

The seven mile area, which was previously 23 miles, is causing natural protected wildlife, such as the ridgeway rail, and salt marsh harvest mouse, to become displaced.

Dropping boulders and building seawalls, while effective for coastlines and other parts of the bay, is not a viable option for marshland areas. Instead, the organization has has found placing oysters and other shellfish off the shore of the marshlands effective in breaking up waves.

The organization encourages viewers to contact their congressperson and voice your support for the marshland. You can see the full story on our 8 o’clock broadcast.