SYRACUSE, N.Y. (WSYR) – Remsen native Erin Hamlin is now a star on the international stage after she led Team USA in the Olympics’ opening ceremony, but her four-time Olympic career has humble beginnings.

Hamlin’s first-ever attempt at the sport happened by chance at Schiller Park in Syracuse. The USA Luge organization hosted an event to introduce young people to the sport.

NewsChannel 9’s cameras were there in August 1999 when a 12-year-old Hamlin and her brother, joined by her mom and aunt from Liverpool, went down the hill in a luge for the first time.

Months later, she was mailed a letter invited to begin training and competing because of her performance that summer day.

Nearly 20 years later, Hamlin is a former World Champion, has a bronze medal from the 2014 Sochi games and the honor of Team USA flag bearer in the 2018 PyeongChang games.