NEXSTAR MEDIA/WFLA) – Keep searching for that lost shaker of salt, but don’t worry there’s no one to blame today because it’s National Margarita Day!

The unofficial holiday was founded by Todd McCalla as a way to spread his love for the tequila, triple sec and lime drink around the world.

McCalla’s website,, which touts itself as the “official website of National Margarita Day,” offers a collection of margarita drink recipes and even a list of restaurants, broken down by state, that are planning celebrations or offering discounts.

If you’d rather stay home and host your own celebration, the site also offers a list of places in each state that offer margarita machine rentals!

According to McCalla’s blog post “8 things you didn’t know about the margarita,” it’s believed that the original margarita was invented in 1948 in Acapulco by socialite Margarita Sames although there are some who believe it was developed a decade earlier.

Frozen margaritas were invented in 1970s when an inventive bartender converted a soft serve ice cream unit into a frozen margarita machine.

Some of the recipes on McCalla’s site are more complicated like the Bikram Burn margarita that includes cayenne-infused tequila while others, like the Cool as a Mule margarita, are more simple takes on the classic margarita.WHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON: