NEW ORLEANS (KRON) — An arrest on Bourbon Street in New Orleans has now gone viral on social media.

In the video, you can see the police officer pushing one man to the ground and then body slamming another man before arresting him.

Louisiana State Police said a trooper had just finished his shift when he was asked to step into a bar because a man who troopers identify as Michael Hoffman from Illinois refused to leave.

In the video, you will see the trooper ask Hoffman and his brother to leave.

“Once the trooper decided that he was going to make an arrest on Mr. Hoffman that’s when his brother was pushed out of the way in order for the trooper to gain compliance of Mr. Hoffman,” Louisiana State Police Trooper Melissa Matey said.

The video of the confrontation has nearly 500,000 views and thousands of shares on social media outlets.

The video was captured early Saturday morning. Now, people are wondering if the police officer used excessive force.

The man who said he shot the cellphone video posted it on Facebook and wrote, “Interesting evening. You be the judge too much force?”

Rafael Goyeneche with the Metropolitan Crime Commission doesn’t see it that way.

“I don’t think that the officer used unreasonable force in this. He tried to resolve the matter peacefully encouraging the people to leave and they didn’t comply so he made the decision to make the arrest.”

State police said Hoffman was issued a municipal summons for public intoxication, criminal trespass, disturbing the peace, and resisting arrest.

His brother was not charged.CNN contributed to this report.