SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) — I’ve often wondered what I’d do if the target of my road rage turned out to be Mike Tyson or Charlie Sheen or Nick Nolte.

Would I fight? Maybe take flight? Or, perhaps I do as my assistant news director says is a perfectly reasonable response: Maybe I just freeze.

In a recently released anti-road rage public service announcement, former heavyweight boxing champion Evander Holyfield demonstrates why exhibiting aggressive behavior on the road could be bad for your health.

It also reminds me why I take five deep breaths and move along.

The PSA shows a middle-aged man swerving his truck around Holyfield’s Mercedes SUV with heavily tinted windows. The man jumps out of his truck and approaches Holyfield’s vehicle in a frenzy of rage, banging the slugger’s car and growling, “C’mon … get out!”

The belligerent man cowers when Holyfield steps out of his car. The video ends with the 52-year-old champ pacing towards the angry driver.

Holyfield told Bleacher Report that he experienced a road rage incident as a youth.

“Somebody was blowing their horn and they got out and they just talked to me any kind of way,�?Holyfield said. “I fought then. I wasn’t heavyweight champ of the world. I was 17, but I could fight and the guy is making all this noise. He was probably thinking I can’t fight. I was a good fighter. I was an amateur champion.�?

The boxer ended up turning the other cheek.

Check out the PSA below…