Members of an alleged hate group were involved in a confrontation outside a bar in Los Angeles.

It happened over the weekend and was caught on video, and now, there is social media backlash.

A video, that is now going viral, shows a group of men wearing “Make America Great Again” hats arguing with bar patrons outside of The Griffin in Atwater Village.

People in the neighborhood identify the group as The Proud Boys. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, they are a hate group. 

Neighbors say they complained to management, but the proud boys were allowed to stay. Twitter has since exploded with posts about the incident. 

One tweet from Justin Caffier, a writer with Vice, has been re-tweeted thousands of times over.

The Proud Boys responded on Twitter saying:

We were hanging out having beers. Josh and his friends showed up looking to start a problem. They did.  Then they cried online. The end.

It wasn’t long before the owner of The Griffin also responded saying, in part, “Neither I nor my business partner don’t support Nazi or white supremacist groups and this not a Nazi bar. I advise we use tactics we have used to past, with gang members – kill them with kindness and they’ll get bored and go away. It’s my bar and I’m ultimately responsible for what happened last night, I feel terrible and sick to my stomach.”

Now, thousands of people have taken to Yelp posting one-star reviews, urging people to avoid The Griffin.