CHATTANOOGA (WATE) – Crowds of people filed in to New Monumental Baptist Church in Chattanooga to remember those killed in a bus crash and pray for children still in the hospital.

The community joined together in a vigil at 6:00 p.m. Tuesday. Many parents brought children with them to pray for their classmates.

A makeshift memorial was also set up near Talley Road to remember for children killed in the crash. A fund was also set up to help support crash victims.

“This is every first responder’s worst nightmare,” said Chattanooga Police Chief Fred Fletcher.

President-elect Donald Trump tweeted his condolences Tuesday night, saying, “Bus crash in Tennessee so sad & so terrible. Condolences to all family members and loved ones. These beautiful children will be remembered!”

Previous story:At least 6 dead in Chattanooga school bus crash

In the hours after the crash, dozens of people filled blood bank lines to help children impacted in the blood bank. Lines were so long that the blood bank stayed open late and brought in mobile units to help.

Minutes after the news was released that children were killed and injured in a bus crash in Chattanooga, Twitter was filled with those voicing their shock and prayers.

In the hours after the crash, dozens of people filled blood bank lines to help children impacted in the blood bank. Lines were so long that the blood bank stayed open late and brought in mobile units to help.

Governor Bill Haslam issued the following statement on the crash:

“Our thoughts and prayers are with victims of today’s tragic school bus crash in Chattanooga. It’s always a very sad situation when you have a school bus crash with children involved and we will do everything we can to assist the local authorities and the victims’ families.”

“My prayers tonight are with the victims and families of the terrible bus crash in Chattanooga,” said Bishop Richard F. Stika with the Diocese of Knoxville. “I remain in contact with our Catholic priests in Southeast Tennessee and we will make ourselves available to anyone in need.”

Knoxville Mayor Madeline Rogero chimed in on Twitter:

Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett:

Police and fire departments also extended their prayers to the family.

Many celebrities tweeted out prayers for the victims and families:

Former NFL player and UT Chattanooga alum Terrell Owens tweeted: