SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) — A 14-year-old Foster City boy got a front row seat to a sneak preview of this weekend’s aerobatics, inside the cockpit of a plane along with an airshow performer.

Inside the aircraft, the pilot taught the teen how to do a barrel roll above the bay.

The pilot is the chairman of a non-profit called Young Eagles that gives kids hands-on experience with aviation.

Over the past 25 years, 8,000 volunteer pilots have helped over 2 million kids across the country experience aviation.

“Flight changes you because you’re pushing your boundaries,” Pilot Sean Tucker said. “You leave the earth. You’re making decisions. I mean, big-time decisions for (a) 14-year-old kid to have to push his boundaries, says a lot about the human being, and for me, it was just a privilege and a pleasure to share my love of the sky with such a talented young man.”

Ryan Savage was smiling but a little queasy when he was back on the ground.

He did say he had fun and wants to continue learning about aviation.

Learn more about the Young Eagles here:  WWW.YOUNGEAGLES.ORGWHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON: