PRUNEDALE, California (KRON/CNN) — Vandals killed hundreds of thousands of bees over the weekend.
The damage not only a loss for the beekeeper but for the environment.
This happened in Prunedale, about 20 miles southwest of Gilroy.
Alfonzo Perez was keeping the bees on this property because they love the eucalyptus trees.
He thought it was a safe area, but this weekend, someone killed the bees and with them a huge portion of Perez’ salary.
“Somebody came in here and tipped over all the boxes and sprayed them with diesel fuel, so it killed a whole bunch of bees,” landowner Mike Hickenbottom said.
Perez says the damage totals more than $50,000.
The dead bees are not only a loss for a beekeeper’s salary but for everyone.
Bees have a major role in pollinating food we eat, like apples, avocados, strawberries, and more.
And in recent years, researchers have raised concerns about the long-term impact of the declining bee population.WHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON: