VALLEJO (KRON) — A Vallejo grandmother was attacked after her car was stolen twice in one week, but KRON has learned police arrested at least one suspected thief.

It is a story of a woman’s car being stolen, found, and then stolen again. The suspect beat her up in the process, police said.

But now, the victim’s has her car back, and she said she is happy to know that one of her neighbors is locked up.

Earlier this week, while she was standing on a curb, her car was stolen, along with her purse and credit cards.

Later, she ended up finding her car just a few houses away from her own.

“It’s uncomfortable because this gentleman was in my neighborhood, and down the street and five houses down from my neighborhood, and I would see them, and I would pass, and I would say, ‘hello’,” said the woman, who did not want to reveal her identity.

But when she hopped in to drive it home, the thieves put up a fight.

“Got in the passenger’s seat and pulled my mom out of the car. Pushed her out of the car,” said the woman’s daughter, who also did not reveal her name.

The woman ended up with road rash and a few other minor injuries. But she noticed the trail the robbers left with her stolen credit cards.

She was able to get surveillance video from a few local stores of the carjacker spending her money.

“One of the things that the officers told me was that he was a registered gun owner, and that being said, I didn’t feel safe with him knowing where I live and my family,” the woman said. “So now, I’m happier now that he’s arrested, and I can feel a little bit more relaxed now.”

Her daughter put out a Facebook blast and ended up getting a huge response about the guy.

On Saturday, Vallejo police confirmed that at least one suspect was arrested in the case, and is in the Contra Costa County jail.

“Just check your surroundings when you’re getting in and out of your car because you never know who’s watching you and trying to take advantage of you,” the woman said.

The woman said she is going to add more security features to her car and her house now.

As for her car, she does have it back, but she had to take it into the dealership for repairs.

The scuffle with the carjackers left it in pretty bad shape.