SALINAS (KRON/CNN) — President Trump is soon expected to make an announcement about the future of a program that has protected young undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children.

A decision could come as early as this week.

But as the future of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA program hangs in the balance, a new survey shows DACA continues to have a positive impact on the lives of young immigrants and the economy.

A group of conservative lawmakers is setting a deadline for United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions to make a decision on DACA.

In a joint letter to sessions, the Texas attorney general issued an ultimatum–if the administration doesn’t end DACA by Sept. 5, there will be a faceoff in court.

And there could be an end for many DACA recipients to be able to contribute to the U.S. economy.

In the latest and largest study to date, more than 3,000 of them participated in the survey.

“Five percent of them who have received DACA own their own businesses,” National Immigration Law Center researcher Patrick O’ Shea said. “When you put it down to 25 years or older, that number goes up to 8 percent, which is above the national number, which is 3 percent.”

More than 90 percent of those surveyed are currently employed and their average hourly wage doubled after getting DACA status.

And researchers are hoping the survey numbers can get their message out loud and clear

“It would be an almost catastrophic idea to eliminate a program as successful as DACA,” O’Shea said.WHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON: