LAKEWOOD, NJ (WCMH) — Video shows a case of road rage in New Jersey between a FedEx truck and a school bus.
Stephen O’Connor shot the video of the apparent road rage on his cell phone Wednesday.
“I originally seen it back there about a mile when the bus made several attempts to put his wheels over that line – he was looking like he had to go somewhere in a hurry,” O’Connor told News 12.
You can see the bus driving into the wrong side of the street attempting to pass the truck, and the truck driver attempts to block the bus.
“Both vehicles were on the other side the road and it was second or two after they got on right side there was another car came the other way,” said O’Connor.
No kids were on the bus at the time of the incident and a representative for FedEx says they take safety seriously and are looking into the matter.
Police continue to investigate the incident, but no charges have been filed against either driver.