SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) — Alamo Square Park in San Francisco is officially back open.

The park overlooking the Painted Ladies has been closed for more than a year for renovation.

Its reopening was delayed because of the rain this winter.

Park officials say the park will be one of the most-water efficient open spaces in the city.

The renovation project for the park cost $5.3 million.

“It most fundamentally…started as a water conservation project, the most water-wasting park in our system, and with support of our public utilities commission, we have a completely modernized irrigation and drainage system to make sure we save water and make sure this park thrives,” San Francisco Recreation and Park General Manager Phil Ginsburg said. “There is nothing more iconic then the view over my shoulder, the Painted Ladies, followed by the skyline in the background, and I think that is so poetic for San Francisco.”

The parks department expects to save as much as 2.5 million gallons of water annually with the new irrigation system.WHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON: