SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) — A resident of San Francisco’s Millennium Tower posted a video last week of him rolling a marble to demonstrate that the building is leaning.

The video, posted by Frank Jernigan, shows the marble being rolled one way and then rolling backward to the wall.

Completed seven years ago, the tower so far has sunk 16 inches into the soft soil and landfill of San Francisco’s crowded financial district.

But it’s not sinking evenly, which has created a 2-inch tilt at the base — and a roughly 6-inch lean at the top.

The residents who shot the video said they were concerned about safety, especially if there is a large earthquake.

Millennium Partners, the developer, maintains its design is safe and says many San Francisco high-rises have similar foundations.

KRON4 is attempting to reach out to the developer to get its response.