OAKLAND (KRON)—The rainy weather in the Bay Area on Sunday caused some major flooding at the Oakland Coliseum.
The flooding even led to plumbing problems at the Coliseum.
Waters went through the stadium just before the Raiders played against the Kansas City Chiefs.
The weather doesn’t care about NFL games.
Mother Nature paid no regard to the fans out at the coliseum Sunday afternoon.
KRON4’s Spencer Blake was at the game, and now he’s live in Oakland.
Around noon, when everybody was getting here, it was coming down hard.
Fans didn’t really seem to care about standing and waiting at security entrances.
“The rain?! We don’t care about the rain!” one Raiders fan said. “I’m built for this. We’re here regardless!”
“It was, ya know, awful!” another fan said. “But we’re here, and we’re having a good time.”
“Raider fans, we don’t care about the rain man, ya know,” one fan said. “They’re playing in the rain, we’re in the rain.”
“Rain is the best part of the game,” one fan said.
They were hardly fazed and the weather got better later on.
It didn’t really come down at all in the second half.
Maybe the biggest gray cloud of the day was the final score.
The Raiders lost to the Chiefs 26-10.