SOUTH GLENS FALLS, N.Y. (NEWS10) – The ongoing attention given to “creepy clown” sightings has others frustrated – clowns that entertain for a living.
A retired nurse, Melody the Clown is the real deal. She’s been a clown for nearly 25 years. It’s been a big part of her livelihood to entertain little kids from puppets to balloon animals.
She typically attends children’s parties at least once a month, but that has quickly changed.
“A gentleman called me and wanted a party for his grandson, and he called me back, ‘I’m not doing it. My daughter doesn’t want a clown because of all the publicity,’” Melody said.
With rainbow curls, a painted happy face, and an oversized suit, Melody said it may be tough to change the way people view clowns now.
While she said the negative attention hasn’t greatly impacted her finances, she said it does disappoint her to know there are other clowns out there who do it for a living and have genuine intentions.
“It affects me,” she said. “The clowns that are trying to make a difference that go into the hospital every day and cheer people up.”
Melody said she hopes the scare is temporary, and she has no desire to stop clowning around.
“We can’t let a few bad apples ruin the barrel,” she said.
Despite the trending scare, Melody said she will continue her business and believes the negative stereotype will eventually end.