REDDING (KRON) — Sherri Papini’s husband Keith has revealed disturbing details about his wife’s final moments in captivity and the Shasta County Sheriff has released an updated description of Papini’s alleged kidnappers.
Now a private investigator hired by Keith Papini is speaking about what makes this case so unique and mysterious.
A young mother abducted, beaten, branded and then left on the side of Interstate 5.
Sherri Papini’s unique and disturbing kidnapping case is still under investigation.RELATED: What we know about kidnapped Redding woman
“It’s clear that this is a legitimate case of abduction and the other scenarios that people have talked about are improbable,” said private investigator Cody Salfen.
During the three weeks the mother of two was missing, her family hired private investigator Cody Salfen to work alongside law enforcement.
Salfen says there are many things that make this case unique.
“The fact that she was recovered alive such a long period of time after her initial disappearance that really defies my experience with abduction cases,” Salfen said.
Another unusual factor is that Papini says her kidnappers were two women.
“When you have a criminal duo essentially or a pair of people, traditionally that would involve a male or a female. in most criminal duo relationships or situations you’ll have the male dominant role and the more subservient female role,” Salfen said.RELATED: ‘Somebody has taken her:’ Family of missing Redding mother
Shasta County Sheriff Tom Bosenko says Papini was branded potentially a way for the alleged kidnappers to exert power over her and create fear.
“I would think that that was some sort of either an exertion of power and control and/or maybe some type of message,” Bosenko said, emphasizing that the brand was a message, not a symbol.
The sheriff also said that some of the details Papini’s husband has revealed to the public could compromise the integrity of the investigation.
At the news conference later in the day, the sheriff said authorities still lack a motive for the abduction.
“We do not know if she was a specific target or if this was a random abduction,” he said.
Bosenko declined to comment on where Papini had been branded or where she was held by her captors.
With Papini home recovering from her traumatic experience, there’s still a long way to go until investigators figure out who took her during a jog near her Redding home.
Papini, the mother of two small children, disappeared while jogging on Nov. 2.
Her husband, Keith Papini, has said his wife was covered with bruises and burns and was chained at the waist and wrists when she was found.
Papini told investigators they spoke Spanish.
The suspects kept her head covered at times and limited her ability to provide descriptions.
One was younger and had long curly hair, a thick accent, pierced ears and thin eyebrows.
The older woman had straight black graying hair and thick eye brows.
The sheriff warned residents to remain cautious until the suspects are identified.
The Shasta County Sheriff’s Department is working to create a composite sketch of the suspects and they continue to dedicate all their resources to this case.
Anyone who knows something should call 530-245-6135.