ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL (WCMH) – Newborn twins Mason and Hawk Buchmeyer captured the hearts of many on social media.

The brothers’ parents shared this photo of Mason embracing his brother Hawk, who was on a ventilator.

Hawk was born with a rare congenital diaphragmatic hernia, a defect in the diaphragm. The diaphragm separates the organs in the abdomen from those in the chest.

On Wednesday morning, the twins’ parents posted the following on a Facebook page dedicated to the brothers after little Hawk passed away:

Our hearts are saddened this morning as our sweet little man was called home to be with Jesus. He went very peacefully and we know he’s no longer suffering. Please give us some time to grieve and try to start the healing process.

Hawk had undergone multiple surgeries since his birth.