OAKLAND (KRON)—A peaceful demonstration happened near Lake Merritt in Oakland Sunday afternoon in response to Donald Trump’s election as U.S. president.
The event was named “Hands Around Lake Merritt.”
It called for the community to gather around the lake and join hands symbolizing healing and empowerment through standing together in solidarity.
The protest started around 3 p.m. and residents then went to different areas of the lake.
At 3:45 p.m., they joined hands and locked arms around the lake.
This all started with a Facebook post that encouraged people to come together and hold hands around Lake Merritt.
In the end, thousands of people showed up.
They chanted, played music and even danced.
A community shows how a diverse group of people can come together in solidarity and lock hands around Lake Merritt as a sign of protest against President-elect Donald Trump.
Twelve-year-old Nayeli Martinez isn’t old enough to vote which is why being her is so important to her.
“Cause kids don’t have a say in the votes, so I feel like protesting will help us send a message,” Martinez said.
That message was different for each person here.
“I’m sick at heart at the result of this election,” one protester said. “We won the popular vote but we still didn’t win.”
While some people were upset with the use of the Electoral College system, others say Trump’s use of divisive language is hurtful.
“It does hurt because you think that you’ve moved forward and that people have come to accept the validity of our love for each other and to have them elect someone who doesn’t care about that or think that it matters is really hurtful,” one protester said.
While people’s reasons for being there differed, the message was the same.
“We want everyone around the country to know two things, one is that we don’t need to be afraid and the second one is we want everyone to know that we stand with them,” said protester John Leonard.
Thousands gather at Lake Merritt in Oakland to protest election of #donaldtrump @kron4news pic.twitter.com/k7pD26tRJr— Lydia Pantazes (@LydiaPantazes) November 13, 2016