Video courtesy of CNN

ILLINOIS (KRON/CNN) — Parents of students at a high school in Illinois are demanding answers after a teacher gave his class math problems about cocaine.

One of the problems asked, “If you take 600 milligrams of cocaine, and your body filters out 40 percent per hour, how high are you in three hours?”

The video above shows pictures students took of two math problems a teacher wrote on a dry erase board Wednesday.

Student Joseph Saban wasn’t in the class, but heard all about it.

“Immediately, I was thinking really? This actually happened? I would not expect a teacher to be using drugs as an example for a problem,” he said.

“We don’t need to be teaching children how long it takes to filter cocaine out of their bodies,” parent Christy Scott said. “That is ridiculous. That is not what we should be doing. We should be preventing this and not teaching them how to get rid of it.”

Roxana School leaders say these are “unacceptable examples for the high school math class,” and that the lesson was a demonstration of poor judgment.

Not all students found the cocaine math problems offensive.

“Either he was trying to relate in some way with the kids, or try to be funny or something like that,” Joseph said.

The school says the unidentified teacher did apologize to students for the math problems, saying he did not intend to make light of or promote illicit drug use.WHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON: