SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) — Excessive force has been a hot-button issue in recent weeks, with a pair of shootings in Minnesota and Louisiana showing police shooting unarmed black men.

In San Francisco on Monday, a panel discussed the issue and suggested solutions to the problems.

San Francisco’s District Attorney George Gascon said enough is enough. He said we should take these issues and try to solve them.

The event on Monday night aimed at reforming police culture.

The presentation highlighted findings and recommendations by the blue ribbon panel on transparency, accountability, and fairness in law enforcement established by Gascon last year. The panel addressed a bias in policing nationwide, including in San Francisco.

Speakers included CNN’s Scott Glover, who reported for the Los Angeles Times on the underbelly of the Los Angeles Police Department.

The panel came together to brainstorm what it will take to achieve true justice reform and change police department culture in San Francisco and across America.

From a year-long study, the group found that blacks and Hispanics, as well as members of the LGBTQ community, were disproportionally targeted by SFPD.

Videos like one of Mario Woods shot 21 times by San Franciso police have surfaced as examples of excessive force.

The blue ribbon panel acknowledged racial disparity is not a new phenomenon but is linked to the nation’s history

And the only way to combat this, they say, is by systematically reforming institutions.