NOVATO (KRON) — The hunt for a teen wanted for the murder of a Novato teenager has now been going on for two full weeks.

The man’s brother and friend are behind bars, charged with murder and attempted murder.

Another teen who was injured in the attack remains in the hospital.

The parents of the injured teen are struggling to cope with what has happened to their son.

The toll of this case was clear and painful to see. The parents of Llefferson Diaz, the Novato teen allegedly shot, was in court on Wednesday. 

Prosecutors said Juan Carlos Martinez-Henriquez shot Diaz. He and the defendant, Edwin Guevara, were in court Wednesday.

In court, the two defendants sat motionless Wednesday, not saying anything, just like they did last week.

Guevara’s brother, an alleged gang member, Javier Guevara, is still wanted in this crime. He too is facing multiple charges.

Prosecutors state in court documents that he used a machete on his victims – Diaz and Edwin Guerra, who died of his wounds.

It happened in a wooded area of Novato, just a few weeks ago, where authorities found Guerra’s body and Diaz badly injured.

The motive, according to the public defender, is still unknown.

Four of the six people involved attended Novato High School.

Another suspect charged with helping hide Martinez-Henriquez pleaded not guilty on Wednesday.

All the defendants will be back in court in a few weeks to enter a plea.