HILLSBOROUGH (KRON) —  Hillsborough resident Peter Rauenbuehler was awoken by a mountain lion in his front yard on Wednesday morning.

At around 4 a.m., Peter and his wife woke to the sound of their three dogs barking.

Thinking it was a deer or coyote, they took a peek outside their door and discovered it was a mountain lion, less than 10 feet from their front door, Rauenbuehler said.

The mountain lion proceeded to drag the deer carcass over their front fence, the video shows. The deer carcass was discovered later that morning a few houses down.

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife was called and removed the deer carcass.

Hillsborough police also responded and took a report.

Although they live next to a big open space, this is the first time they’ve ever seen a mountain lion in their neighborhood, Rauenbuehler said.

The couple lives off of Tartan Trail Road in Hillsborough.