OAKLAND (KRON) — The mother of a child under quarantine for possible exposure to measles has a message for the parents of an unvaccinated child who caused the situation.

Six-month old Livia Simon was exposed to the disease after going to Kaiser Hospital on January 2nd to get checked out for having a cold.

Two days later the family got a call from the hospital.

“They said she had been potentially exposed because a child whose parents had chosen not to vaccinate had brought their kid in with the measles,” Jennifer Simon tells KRON 4’s Annie Anderson. “On Friday, the 9th, we got a call from the County saying would you please voluntarily keep away from anywhere where young children might be who haven’t been fully vaccinated, which is everywhere.”

Simon says her daughter has no symptoms of having the measles. Still she is agreeing to keep Livia away from other kids for another week.

“I feel like those parents were saying ‘I don’t want to put vaccines in my child’s body because of my erroneous belief that there’s something bad about that so I will rely on society to make sure that my child doesn’t get the disease. And yet I will in turn endanger society by not vaccinating my child.'”

Although Livia is too young to get the vaccination, her doctor did give her a booster shot. Jennifer Simon says as soon as Livia reaches the safe age, she will make sure her daughter has all of her shots.