SANTA CLARA (KRON) — While Super Bowl City is being built in downtown San Francisco, the actual site of the Super Bowl is a city in itself.

Levi’s Stadium, the home of the San Francisco 49ers, is about to take centerstage on Feb. 7. Before the Denver Broncos and Carolina Panthers meet in less than two weeks, there’s a team behind the teams making sure the field and the stadium are ready to go.

The crew said preparations are right on track. With the Super Bowl less than two weeks away, crews are bringing the Golden Game to life.

From team logos, to graphics, to expanded seating, you can be sure they are geared up for anything.

Super Bowl 50:Events around the Bay Area

“We always…prepare for every contingency upon contingency that we can,” NFL Director of Event Operations Eric Finkelstein said. “For the site,…we try to anticipate everything we can.”

Crews are even preparing for whatever mother nature has in store.

Ed Mangan and his 36-man crew are in charge of manning the newly installed game field, as well as the practice sites for both teams.

They’ll be at the ready leading up to and throughout gameday.

“We are prepared for rain or cold. We’ve got sweaters for if it gets cold. We’ve got rain tarps for rain. So either before rehearsal or game time or team walkthrough, if we are going to get a lot of rain, we’ll cover it up,’ Mangan said.

Super Bowl 50:Road closures

While the Super Bowl site is primed, the NFL also wants to make sure all 70,000-plus people expected to attend follow the same gameplan.

“Extra time should definitely be…part of the plan to get here,” Finkelstein said. “Both depending on where you are coming from just in general. Just to get around this region as well as just once you get to this site. The earlier you get here, the better off you’ll be.”

Otherwise, you’re experience at one of the biggest sporting events in the world could be anything but a win.