CONTRA COSTA COUNTY (KRON) — Illegal fireworks had six fire agencies busy on Sunday night, putting out a huge brush fire in Contra Costa County.

It was in between a residential area and an industrial park in Brentwood near Hansen Lane.

Fifty-foot flames were less than a football field away from homes Sunday at 10 p.m. because of people who couldn’t resist setting off illegal fireworks.

“When we came home, the entire creek was on fire and we were very worried that our neighbor’s home was on fire,” resident Christine Ruff said. 

No homes burned, but the fire was so big both Contra Costa Fire departments, showed up, along with help from Alameda County, Cal Fire, and other agencies.

The fire jumped Marsh Creek and started to burn supplies in the back lot of a roofing company on the other side.

“There were large quantities of the wooden slats that they use for the roofs burning, sending embers down and starting other grass fires down there,” East Contra Costa County fire Chief Hugh Henderson said.

On Monday, the black scars show the damage that could easily happen again if people ignore the law.

In daylight hours, it’s easy to see how dry everything is on one side of the creek. The other side of the creek is all charred.

“It’s been hot for the last week, and it doesn’t take much to start a fire,” Henderson said.

And with several fires sparking in the county this holiday weekend, firefighters are pleading with everyone to keep an eye out.

“If you have a neighbor shooting, especially these large, commercial-type fireworks going off, you need to dial 911 and let law enforcement (handle) that,” Henderson said.

If you want to see fireworks safely, you can watch July 4th Live! starting at 9 p.m. on KRON.