KNOXVILLE (WATE) – For most of his life, Hero was just a stray on the street.

On July 22, police said a man was attacking a woman in Baldwin, Georgia and Hero jumped in to help. Officers said Hero was able to separate the woman from her attacker, but in the process the pit bull was stabbed five times. Those two officers took him to a local veterinarian to save the dog.

“I don’t think we could have let that dog suffer and die. We felt like we needed to get that dog some help after what it had been through,” said Timothy Clay, one of the officers who helped Hero.

“For those two officers to go to the extent they did to save him is very heroic and very awesome,” said Carla Welch.

Welch heard about Hero’s story on Facebook. She said he nearly died in surgery. After surviving, she raised enough money to help pay for his medical bills. This was after the veterinarian significantly discounted the total cost of the surgery.

Welch runs the pit bull rescue Hero is currently at in West Knoxville. Hero is now up for adoption.

“He has had a really rough life. He has had a bum back leg and a bum front leg, but he gets around fine and he’s looking for a good friend,” said Welch. She says despite the traumatic injuries, the seven-year-old pit bull is laid back and likes people.

For information on adopting Hero visit