SAN FRANCISCO (KRON)—There’s mounting pressure for the judge who sentenced Stanford swimmer Brock Turner to six months in jail for rape.

A group of rape survivors and their allies filed a formal complaint Wednesday with a state commission which has the power to remove judges from the bench.

KRON4’s Maureen Kelly was there.

“You don’t know me, but you’ve been inside me,” one protester read.

Rape survivors and their supporters took turns reading a letter written by Brock Turner’s victim out in front of the state building in San Francisco.

“I wanted to take my body off like a jacket and leave it in the hospital with everything else,” one protester read.

It’s the same letter that Jane Doe read in Judge Persky’s courtroom which then went viral for its haunting description of her ordeal.

Not just of the rape, but also of its ramifications and the entire legal process she had to endure.

“I technically couldn’t prove that it was unwanted and that destroyed me, damaged me, almost broke me,” one protester read.

The protesters held a giant pink slip with Persky’s name on it.

They also delivered a formal complaint to those on the Commission on Judicial Performance….asking them once again to remove judge Aaron Persky for the light sentence of Brock Turner .

“Judge Persky has shown a clear bias for men of privilege in favor of people who abuse women” said protester Adam Bink.

It’s the third time they have been here having dropped of petitions. This petition has over a million signatures asking for the judge to be fired.

There have been other petitions like this one you see here in support of Persky mostly signed by public defenders who fear that removing him will result in less use of judicial discretion and worsen the problem of mass incarceration in this country.

One protester here says they are sensitive to that issue.

“One thing that’s important to remember is that a lot of people who are incarcerated for really lengthy sentences are nonviolent offenders and we are talking about violent offenders here,” said protester Julie Mastrine.

The commission on judicial performance says they get an estimated 1,200 complaints a year and only about 10 percent of those are found to warrant an investigation.