ANTIOCH (KRON) — A violent spike in crime in the city of Antioch is deeply concerning the people who live there.
In the past month alone, the city has reported four deadly shootings. Two are currently being investigated as homicides.
KRON’s Philippe Djegal spoke to a community organizer who said he used to be a part of the problem. But he is now working hard for a solution.
Admittedly a former gang member, 47-year-old Gabriel Makinano in the past was arrested and convicted of weapons and drugs charges on the streets of Antioch.
“God showed up in my jail cell and asked me if I was finished,” Makinano said.
He is now the father of six kids with another one on the way. He is also a community organizer for the non-profit Contra Costa Interfaith Supporting Community Organization or CCISCO.
KRON first met him less than two weeks ago for a ceasefire walk held in town, near the scene of a deadly shooting.
“It’s gonna take a village to raise these children,” Makinano said.

The most-recent homicide happened Monday on the 3400 block of Oakley Road where an 18-year-old man was shot and killed. No arrests in that case have been announced.
Police have not said yet whether or not it’s a gang-related crime, but Makinano is convinced it is.
“They’re throwing their whole life away and causing themselves to be in prison for the rest of their lives, and they don’t really understand until they get there, and then they have like an ‘oh crap’ moment. Like, ‘What do I do now?” Makinano said.
In the past month, there have been four deadly shootings in Antioch. Acting Lt. Thomas Fuhrmann said two have been ruled homicides, one is still under review by the district attorney’s office. The fourth has been dismissed.
This is two homicides in the first two months of this year, compared to seven all of last year.
And the best way Makinano says to put an end to this gang violence is to encourage youth to never even join the gangs in the first place.
“There’s no glory in it, and you have to watch your back at all times. Because you don’t even know if your own people are going to turn your back on you,” Makinano said.