FAIRFIELD (KRON)—Keyano Fiel is a Raiders fan who argues with his father about this weekend’s game.
Keyano suffered life threatening injuries in a motorcycle accident in March that left him severely brain damaged and an amputated leg.
While the family struggles with the challenges he faces they are now addressing another pain that was inflicted upon them when a medic in the ambulance posted a picture on social media as he was being transported to the hospital.
“My son’s mangled leg was posted on social media,” said Keyano’s mother Linette.
It was that picture that family members first learned about the severity of Keyano’s injuries.
“It was a picture of his leg and half of it was gone and you could see the rest of his leg, just the bone everything and I don’t want to see that and I don’t think anybody would want to see that or anybody that knew him,” said Keyano’s brother Jeyani.
But it was the nature of the posts the medic added to accompany the image that has outraged the family.
“Once the door closes your ass is mine,” said Keyano’s father Rex. “I believe there was one that said the louder you scream the faster we’ll go. There’s four or five other ones that I just choose not to say them.”
It has left the parents questioning the care that might have been given their son.
“Taking the time to take a picture, think of these hashtags and post it, to me as a parent what were you doing to help my son,” Rex said.
The family has filed a lawsuit against the ambulance service that transported keyano.
“This was something we wanted to make aware, that it’s not OK, we didn’t want other families to go through it,” Linette said.
For now, they remind Keyano what his high school football coach always told him.
“Everyday and every way you get better and better,” Rex said.