SAN FRANCISCO (KRON)—A coin with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s face on it was found in San Francisco.
KRON4’s Justine Waldman reports about the guy who found the unique quarter.
The coin that popped up in San Francisco is not the only one out there
Caio Simbula found the quarter while doing laundry in San Francisco.
On the face side, the coin says “Dump on Trump” on the top with the word “insanity” on the left and “Trust Me” on the right.
Simbula says it is hilarious.
He plans on keeping the fake “quarter dollar” as a way to remember this historic election.
Bay Area resident Niclas Ullstrom also found a Donald Trump coin in San Francisco’s Washington Square Park.
We did some searching online and actually found another example of the coin being found.
A woman in Amarillo, Texas was given an identical coin.
She also does not know where it came from.