VIDEO: Dog who carried his own food during Harvey reunites with family, inspires Texas

SINTON (KRON) — The dog who went viral after he was seen carrying a 5-pound bag of food during Hurricane Harvey was reunited with his family and is now providing some much-need inspiration for Texas.

Otis is just an old dog from small town Sinton, Texas. His fighting spirit and ability to adapt after Hurricane Harvey has gone viral.

“My grandson told me ‘grandpa make sure you take care of Otis,” the dog’s owner, Salvador Segovia, told KRIS.

Otis got loose after breaking the back screen door of his home during the most intense part of the storm.

Harvey produced up to 70 miles per hour winds in Sinton. The hurricane could have killed an elderly dog like Otis, but instead it set the scene for a picture worth a thousand words.

“He just looked so uplifted by having that bag of food it was just precious it was like the cutest thing I’d ever seen,” said Tiele Dockens, who snapped the photo.

Luckily, Harvey was reunited with his owner.

People from all walks of life seem to identify with this simple concept that contains a valuable lesson.

“I think Otis makes a point in telling the people in Texas we will survive,” his owner said. “A dog like Otis can do it, humanity can do it too.”WHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON: