NOVATO (KRON) — Creepy clown-related hysteria has prompted a Novato middle school to check students’ backpacks for weapons.

This all because of social media rumors that students are afraid that clowns were coming to school, and students might be planning to bring weapons to campus to protect themselves.

KRON4’s Maureen Kelly talked to a parent upset about the way this was all handled.

Eleven-year-old Max says he’s not worried about the clown hoax that’s been sweeping the nation, but the rumors of one of his classmates possibly coming to school armed did have him nervous.

His mom took him out of school Friday, but that’s not the only thing that Max says has him keyed up.

The rumors about clowns coming to the Novato school Friday started circulating on Monday.

PHOTOS: Creepy clowns spotted in Richmond

Max says the principal made an announcement over the intercom. He says that was followed later that day by a practice lockdown.

Max and other students say some kids believed that meant the rumors were true.

The principal of the school wouldn’t talk on camera.

A spokesperson for the district confirmed Friday’s weapon’s search and the earlier clown-related announcement, saying it was just precautionary to address the social media hoax.

She didn’t know about the lockdown. Other students did confirm it happened, but some say that was on a different day this week.

Max’s mom doesn’t like the way this whole thing was handled, especially because they weren’t given any notice that the weapons search was happening.

She ended walking out with a copy of a letter that students took home to their parents Friday.

The letter does address Friday’s weapons search, which they say was done to ensure the safety and security of the students and staff.

The principal also stresses there have been no threats made to this school.