PALO ALTO (KRON) — The Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office has released the court documents in the Brock Turner Stanford rape case on Thursday.

Brock Turner, the former Stanford University swimmer convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman on the Palo Alto campus after a party, will serve only half of his six-month jail sentence.

Turner, a 20-year-old, blue-eyed white Olympic-caliber swimmer, and the judge in the case, a former Stanford athlete, have been the target of scrutiny and widespread outrage due to the already lenient sentence.

The court documents detail what happened on the night Turner attacked the woman he met at a fraternity party in January 2015.

The documents are part of Turner’s sentencing. They go over in painful detail what happened the night of the rape.

EXPANDED COVERAGE: Stanford rape case

Some parts that stood out were Turner’s blood-alcohol content. It was determined to be .16 percent.

The victim, who stayed unconscious from when police found her at 1 a.m. until 4:15 a.m., had an estimated blood-alcohol content at .22 percent. That is almost three times the legal limit.

She was so unresponsive she did not wake up to needle pricks or shouting and shaking.

The documents also show a different side of Turner, beyond the smart, decorated swimmer with Olympic dreams.

The documents revealed on the night of the rape, the “defendant was on the prowl” and attempted to hook-up with several people at the party who were clearly not interested in him.

“Additionally, this assault occurred a week after he was similarly aggressive with another female, at a different fraternity party, at the same location,” court documents said.

Here are the court documents released in the case: